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Moral Stories for the Kids

Moral Stories

Hello friends, Welcome to this part of  Short Stories, Moral Stories . In this section of our website, you will read "Inspirational Stories" which you can learn from many dimensions of life.

Friends, if you are born in the 90's, you must have heard many stories from your grandmother and we are sure that you must have taught something good with those stories. But nowadays, the stories of grandmother and grandmother have lost somewhere in a lively life. Our effort is to gather all those lost stories on one platform. Hope you will be participating in this goal.

Short Motivational Story

There are so many opportunities in our lives when we are facing very bad situations and think what to do, because it is not possible to change everything so fast and it is not even known that this slight change will be some revolution. will bring. No, but let me tell you that the beginning of everything or change is very basic. Many times, success is just a few steps away from us, we accept defeat, while any changes made by trusting our abilities are not small and it can prove to be a stone in our lives too. Let's read a story, it will be easy to understand how small changes are important.

Moral Stories

A boy used to go to the farm in the morning. She used to see an old woman. Old lady cleared the back of small turtles on the banks of the pond. One day he thought about the reason behind this. The boy went to the lady and greeted her "Hello aunt! I see you always clearing the back of these turtles, why do you do this?" The woman saw that innocent boy and answered the boy on him. "Come every Sunday and I am coming here and cleaning the back of this little turtle, I feel the peace." Because of the accumulation of garbage behind their backs, due to accumulation of torture, heat generated Their ability to do decreases, "so this turtle will not be able to swim. If this remains the same for some time then these armor also weakens, so I clear the armor.

The boy was surprised to hear this. He asked a familiar question again and said, "Of course you are doing a great job but still aunt feels that there are many turtles which are in bad condition, when you can not do this for all Will you change alone?

The woman gave a very brief but effective answer that even if this action does not bring any major changes in the world, but think that the life of this turtle will not change. So why do we start with small changes?

Own point of view a moral story

Once a Monk was bathing in the river with his disciples. Only then a passerby went through a demon and seeing the Mahatma bathing in the river, he stopped to ask him something. He started asking the monk, "Mahatmun tell me one thing why people are living here because I have just come to this place and due to being new, I do not have any specific information about this place."

 On this, the Mahatma said to the person that "I will answer your question later in the brother, first you tell me that the people from the place you came from, how are you?" The man said "what should I say about them The king is a deceitful and wicked person, so he has left them and has come to live there. "The Mahatma replied," You will meet people in this village as well as the wicked and evil | "The man went ahead.

After a while another passerby passes through the same path and after giving a reverence to the Mahatma, he says, "Mahatma ji is new in this village and I have come from abroad and wish to live in this village but I have no special information So you can tell me how is this place and how are people living here? "

The Mahatma again asked the same question and said to him, "I will answer your question but later you tell me that the people from the country you came from from behind, how are people living there?"

The person said to the Mahatma, "I have come from Guruji, I have inherited a decent and honest life, I have no desire to go further than my caste, but I have come here in connection with the trade and I have also come here with the help of Bhasha That is why I asked you this question. "The Mahatma said to him," Brother, you will find good and good man. "He also went ahead and bowed before them.

The disciples were watching all these, then they asked the passersby, "Guruji, we have not understood anything for the two passers-bys." By smiling on this Mahatma Bole Watts usually we see things around you, it does not happen, so we look at things from our point of view and accordingly we are. If we want to see good, then we will find good people and if we want to see evil we will get bad people

Moral story of  Worried monk

A very Great monk. In many nearby villages, the followers of the saints lived. Among those followers was a dear disciple of the monk; Sadanand. Sadanand was very naive and ordinary person by nature. Sadanand always remained in the devotion of God. Saint always asked Sadanand to come to the ashram and show the devotees the correct path but Sadanand always avoided saying as a family.

Sadanand always said, "My wife and son can not live without me! He has no support except me. How will they be without me? " Monk always explained to Sadanand that this is your destiny. Just as you think it is not at all. If God has given birth to anybody, then he has done some arrangements for discharging his life. You worry in vain.

One day when Sadanand went to the monk for satsang, the saint again explained the same thing to Sadanand and said that if you have to see, then you can test and see. Sadanand agreed. Monk taught Sadanand the art of breathing through pranayama. After a few days, when Sadanand went to bed with the family, he stopped breathing and went out of the river and went into hiding in the forest and reached the ashram of the Monk.

Meanwhile, Sadanand's family members found Sadanand a lot but found no place in the Sadanand river. Sadanand's family thought that the Sadhanand river would have flown away somewhere.

Moral Stories

A wave of grief was rampant in the entire village. Those who know Sadanand, the house of Sadanand got strained. All followers of the saint also went to Sadanand's house. The followers saw that Sadanand died and was left and his wife and child were left behind. Abi is our responsibility to nourish them.

What was it then everyone started giving assistance on their own. Someone took the responsibility of flour, someone took the responsibility of pulse, someone took responsibility for arranging rice. Slowly the whole system became.

The followers of the saints kept the room in a hospice of the village and kept everything of Sadanand's woman and her son's needs. He also spent his month's expenses for milk and other expenses. In this way, the followers of the saints made all arrangements for Sadanand's family without saying anything of the Saint.

A few days later, the Ashram came to see the sadhana of a woman saint. The Saint asked Sadanand's wife, "Do you have any problem?" Sadanand's woman humbly responded by adding her hand, "Maharaj! The person who went away can not be fulfilled, but the discharge of our life is already getting better. " The saint asked surprisingly, "How better than before? Sadanand's wife responded with respect, saying, "Maharaj! Your followers have already put everything in need at the Dharamshala and have also paid the amount for my necessary expenses. Now whenever the Vastu is needed, all is available.

Here, Sadanand was listening to all the things of the ashram and sitting along with him. After the departure of Sadanand's woman, the saint told Sadanand that you now go to your house and see what your woman said is not true or not. Sadanand went to his house during the night and knocked on the door from outside. Sadanand's woman asked inwardly, "Who is it?" Sadanand said, "I am in ... your husband, open the door", listening to the voice of Sadanand, the woman of Sadanand thought that Sadanand has died. This will be a horror of Sadanand.

Sadanand's woman said, "No! Do not open the door "

Sadanand said, "I am not dead ... you open the door"

Sadanand's woman said, "If you see children, then their life will die by the rate. So please leave you.

Sadanad said, "But how will your work be without me?

The woman said, "Good work is going on well with the grace of the followers of monk. you do not worry! Just leave you here, please.

Sadanand said, do not you have any grief?

The woman said, "Now this is the sadness that you have come. If you had not come, there was no grief. Please do not come please.

So friends get this education from this story that the worry of vain is only the home of sick people. We should always leave the worry of useless and go ahead in life.

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